
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy


We advise clients on cybersecurity and data protection issues, including international data transfers, policy, data mapping and pseudonymisation issues, the use of static IP addresses as identifiers, information governance, eCommerce and intellectual property, privacy notices and use and implications of technology.

We can advise on contracts, document retention, subject access requests, disclosure and information management issues arising in relation to regulated financial services entities.

Our clients include large corporations, government and data-rich companies operating across a broad range of sectors including financial services, transport, retail and consumer markets, insurance, energy and telecommunications and technology.

Our Team is highly experienced in:

  • Compliance Risk Assessments
  • Regulatory and liability consequences
  • Cyber Incident Preparedness and Response
  • Litigation and Enforcement Defense
  • M&A Due Diligence
  • Artificial Intelligence – Security and Privacy Issues
  • Related Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Capabilities
  • Cyber Risk Framework

News and insights

Game Changer! – Licensing Requirements for Virtual Assets in the Cayman Islands – Part 2
NEWS | 23 November 2020

Game Changer! – Licensing Requirements for Virtual Assets in the Cayman Islands – Part 2

On 25 May 2020 the Cayman Islands government passed The Virtual Asset (Service Providers) Law, 2020 (“VASP Law”), which provides a legislative framework for the conduct of virtual assets business in the Cayman Islands and for the registration and licensing of persons providing virtual asset services. The VASP…

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