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Insights | 29 May 2016
Voluntary Winding-up of a Cayman Islands Company
A Cayman Islands company can be dissolved by the appointment of a liquidator or it can be dissolved without such appointment if the company is struck off the register as a result of an application to the Registrar of Companies for the purpose.
Insights | 24 May 2016
HFMWeek Special Report Cayman 2016
Why segregated portfolio companies are thriving in Cayman? Loeb Smith’s corporate Partner Gary Smith talks to HFM Week about SPCs. HFMWeek (HFM): How versatile are SPCs? What makes them this way?
Insights | 22 January 2015
ICR: US Court and Cayman Islands Court: Sharing Jurisdiction in the Interests of Comity
This article first appeared in Volume 12, Issue 1. of International Corporate Rescue, published by Chase Cambria Publishing. Gary Smith reviews the decision of the United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York in re: Soundview Elite, Ltd., et al., Debtors (Case No. 13-13098 (REG)) as another…
Insights | 01 January 2015
Statutory Demands
Cayman Islands Advice on Statutory Demands A statutory demand is a formal demand for payment of a debt made by a creditor to a debtor. It may be used as the basis for an application for a petition to wind up a Cayman company. Service and content of…
Insights | 27 November 2014
Cayman Islands Domiciled Hedge Funds
In This Issue An Overview of Cayman Law Governing Hedge Funds What are the key statutes and regulations that govern hedge funds in the Cayman Islands? Which regulatory bodies regulate hedge funds? What are the main legal vehicles used to set up a hedge fund and what are…
Insights | 15 November 2014
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Arbitration Awards in the British Virgin Islands
The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) is a very user-friendly jurisdiction for enforcing foreign judgments and arbitral awards.
Insights | 14 October 2014
Private Equity Multi-jurisdictional Guide: Introduction of the New ELP Law and the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Law 2014
Good News for Cayman Islands Domiciled Private Equity Funds! The legal landscape for Cayman Islands domiciled private equity and venture capital funds has changed significantly in 2014 as a result of the coming into force of two new laws in the Cayman Islands. Attached is an analysis article…
Insights | 21 July 2014
Introduction of new Cayman Islands ELP Law
The Cayman Islands continue to be the leading offshore jurisdiction for the establishment of both hedge funds and private equity funds. Typically, private equity funds are structured in Cayman as exempted limited partnerships (“ELPs”) and the introduction of the Exempted Limited Partnership Law, 2014 (the “New ELP Law”),…