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Enforcement of Judgments: Charging orders over shares in Cayman companies 14 Dec 2015 Enforcement of Judgments: Charging orders over shares in Cayman companies In Vento and Others v Westminster Hope & Turnberry, Ltd (unreported, 25 November 2015) The Honourable Anthony Smellie, C.J., sitting in the Financial Services Division of the Grand Court clarified the grounds on which judgment creditors may seek to u Read More
The Meaning Of 16 Oct 2015 The Meaning Of "Fair Value" In Merger Transactions On 28 August 2015, Jones, J., gave the first Judgment in the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands on the meaning of "fair value" in merger transactions pursuant to s. 238(1) of the Companies Law (2013 Revision) (the "Law"). Read More
Statutory Demands in the Cayman Islands 24 Sep 2015 Statutory Demands in the Cayman Islands A statutory demand is a formal demand for payment of a debt made by a creditor to a debtor. It may be used as the basis for an application for a petition to wind up a Cayman company. Read More
Fiduciary Duties Of A General Partner of a Cayman Exempted Limited Partnership 10 Sep 2015 Fiduciary Duties Of A General Partner of a Cayman Exempted Limited Partnership The Cayman Islands (Cayman) continue to be the leading offshore jurisdiction for the establishment of hedge funds, private equity funds, and investment funds focused on other asset classes. A large number of Cayman funds are structured as exempted Read More