Legal News

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Technical Brief for Investment Funds 10 May 2021 Technical Brief for Investment Funds The May 2021 publication of the Technical Brief for Investment Funds, a newsletter developed by the Loeb Smith Cayman Islands Investment Funds Technical Team Read More
Guide: Enforcing security over shares in a Cayman Islands exempted company 22 Apr 2021 Guide: Enforcing security over shares in a Cayman Islands exempted company Cayman Islands exempted companies are widely utilized in structuring cross-border finance transactions. A key reason is the flexible and well-tested regime for secured financing transactions Read More
Guide: Enforcing security over shares in a BVI business company 16 Apr 2021 Guide: Enforcing security over shares in a BVI business company In this brief guide, we address the key BVI law points pertaining to the enforcement of an equitable mortgage over shares in a BVI business company Read More